Invoice >
Valves >>
1 – Drip around the entire house (front and back)
2 – Drip to front parking (can possibly be used for other side of driveway)
3 – Drip to patio boxes
4 – Rear lawn
MATERIAL LIST – click to see some pictures and get some ideas of materials we commonly use
PLANT LIST – click to see some pictures and get some ideas of plants that we commonly use

A little more information about planting in our area >>
Plant Hardiness and Climate Zones
Articles about plants and landscaping
Maintenance notes
Drip irrigation schedule (Frequency-Duration)
SPRING/FALL (3 days per week – 10 minutes per valve)
SUMMER (5 days per week – 30 minutes per valve)
WINTER – turn timer to ‘off’
Drip irrigation is a low pressure, slow watering system, therefore, a longer duration is helpful to “deep” soak the roots, especially during summer months.