It’s good to know that with any job there is always the possibility that certain issues may arise that may lead to job delays and/or cost increases. Unforeseen surprises that cannot be accounted for beforehand. Take a look below for some examples of this exact situation.
Underground obstacles
The infamous underground rock quarry that rears it’s ugly head more often than not.

Deer, deer, and more deer
Deer and their relentless pursuit of destroying your plants
The 2 main issues with plant problems >> DEER and WATER
Some plants are “grazed” by deer only occasionally and we do not automatically cage them – you will need to let us know if they are being eaten and we will cover them or protect them until established.
Special requests that are not recommended by me because, although they may be deer resistant when established, will cost extra if needing protection.
It is your responsibility to let me know if any plants are not looking healthy before they die, usually there is an easy remedy and it is likely lack of water.
We also wrap any trees that we know will get grazed or rubbed by deer antlers until established.

Valve replacement
Rebuilding a valve manifold ain’t a walk in the park!

Delays everywhere!
Just when you think the day is rolling along smoothly, you end up going to the dump…or possibly LOP parcel E on a Sat. Yikes!