The most successful backyard relies on active participation. Our installs need infrequent but annual maintenance to keep everything looking good.
For example, you may need to pull or spray weeds, trim back/deadhead shrubs and flowers, replenish bark or decomposed granite, stake down or repair plastic Benderboard or irrigation drip line, and check drip line for leaks or dry plants. Other considerations are sealing your patio, deck, or fence and possibly replacing any dead plants. Winter is a good time to replenish bark and DG since it allows it to “bind up” prior to summer, most other items are best done in Spring or Summer.

General Maintenance

Plant Problems
If your Redbud looks like this, click HERE

If you are trying to save a tree that looks like this, tie some shiny ribbon to the branches.

Lake Cleaning
Lake algaecide – NT Max packets in 5gal buckets, it’s sold by the LOP
Click HERE for more information